Purchase Conditions
You can request information for clarifications both before and after placing the order.
We are always available for any information about the status of the shipment or other.
You will always be informed about the status of the order: acceptance, preparation, shipping.
Upon confirmation, the order is considered in progress and prepared for shipment.
The confirmed order can no longer be changed.
If payment is not made within 3 days, the order will be canceled, so if you can proceed with making a new order that meets your needs.
The order will be shipped only after payment has been made, ie qu ando the transaction will be successfully concluded; this condition represents the acceptance of the order for the selling party.
Making an order on the site: Viglietti Sport.com represents the conclusion of a purchase contract and the acceptance of the conditions of sale with:

Piazza G. Dodero 19
P.IVA 02999060045

The competent court for any legal dispute is the MONDOVI 'FORUM.
Whenever in the conditions only Viglietti Sort srl is cited, the aforementioned company is always understood.

Concurrent sale
It may happen that an order is concurrent with a direct sale at the Prato Nevoso store.
In this case you will be promptly informed of the unavailability and you will be given any replenishment times, so you can evaluate whether to wait or withdraw.
If you opt for cancellation, you will be charged.
If the transaction has already occurred, the full amount will be promptly credited.

Payments can be made in the following ways:

VISA and MASTERCARD Credit Cards are accepted.
Payment with the Pay-Pal procedure takes place through the usual procedure provided by the service.

Shipments are all made by our courier in charge.
Le shipments to Italy have a fixed cost of Euro 7.00 including taxes.
Shipments to foreign countries have a cost of Euro 19.00 including taxes and customs procedures.
When receiving the goods, make sure the package is intact, otherwise accept with reserve or refuse.
We advise you at the time and in the presence of the courier to carry out and a photographic survey showing the status of the package at the time of delivery.
Please note:

    • indicate an address where someone is always present
    • the surname indicated must coincide with the one given at the receiving address
    • also include a telephone number

The package will be delivered on average in two or three working days from the order.
In addition, the goods can be picked up at the Prato Nevoso store at no cost.

All data processed are in accordance with current laws, in particular in compliance with the Dgls 196 of 06/30/2003
In any time you can request the deletion of all data by sending an e-mail, a fax or a registered letter to one of the addresses listed in the contacts.
The data will be used in a computerized way only for commercial and promotional purposes from Viglietti Sport srl and will never be sold to third parties.
Data Controller data is: Viglietti Sport srl

In general
Viglietti Sport srl owns the site and its contents, therefore any form is prohibited even partial reproduction.
Viglietti Sport srl reserves the right to the right not to follow up on any orders.
The consumer buying a product on the site self-certifies that he has the legal requirements to perform this type of contract, relieving Viglietti Sport srl of any liability.
The valid commercial initiatives are exclusively those present on the site, in the form and for the duration highlighted.
The content of the site and the conditions can change at any time without liability any towards third parties.